New Developers

New Developers

Future co-developer

Your Affiliation

Help us develop our automated data observatory as a developer. We are looking for collaborators that want to use their technical skillset to further our open data and reproducible research-based approach.

Technical Skillset

You should have at least one of the following capabilities:

  • You are experienced in writing code in any of the R, Python (data collection) or Go language (website automation), and document it in markdown.

  • You are experienced in web technologies, particularly HTML, CSS, and web scraping.

  • You have an intermediate-to-advanced knowledge of working with pandoc, rmarkdown and bookdown (for our long-form automated documentation.)

  • You are experienced with static websites made with hugo (for our website automation.)

  • You are familiar with Datasette, or API engine (which is written in the Python language and uses SQLite.)

  • You are experienced with implementing new statistical methodology in the R language. While our data collection is mixed in Python and R, our statistical validation is made entirely in R.

  • Creating RShiny applications (we do not have one yet, but we plan to make them.)

Basic Requirements

  • You are able to pick up and solve and issue on Github - this is a must.

  • Make sure that you read the Contributors Covenant. You must make this pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. Participating in our data observatories requires everybody to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. It’s better this way for you and for us!

  • Make sure that you have and ORCiD ID. This is a standard identification for scientific publications. We need your numeric ORCiD ID.

  • Make sure that you have a Zenodo account which is connected to your ORCiD ID. This enables you to publish data under your name. If you curate data for our observatories, you will be the indicator’s first author, and depending on what processes help you, the author of the (scientific) code that helps you calculate the values will be your co-author.

  • Send us this text file with your biography elements. Best if you fill it out with Notepad, TextEdit, Vim or other clean text editor, but you can also send it back as an rtf file.

  • If you feel you need chatting on onboarding, contact us on Keybase - it’s lightweight, discrete, encrypted, your mother, partner and friends are not there, it is free, open source, and can share/exchange files, too. Otherwise in email.

More about contributing: Automated Observatory Contributors’ Handbook.

  • MSc in Public Administration, 2015

    Sample University University

  • BSc in International Relations, 2010

    Other University