
How We Add Value to Public Data With Better Curation And Documentation?

Many people ask if we can really add value to free data that can be downloaded from the Internet by anybody. We do not only work with easy-to-download data, but we know that free, public data usually requires a lot of work to become really valuable. To start with, it is not always easy to find.

How We Add Value to Public Data With Imputation and Forecasting

Public data sources are often plagued with missng values. Naively you may think that you can ignore them, but think twice: in most cases, missing data in a table is not missing information, but rather malformatted information which will destroy your beautiful visualization or stop your application from working. In this example we show how we increase the usable subset of a public dataset by 66.7%, rendering useful what would otherwise have been a deal-breaker in panel regressions or machine learning applications.

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We provide our clients with simple datasets, databases, harmonized survey data, and various other rich data applications; we provide them with continuous access to high-quality, re-processed, re-usable public sector and scientific data.